
With a focus on outdoor, play-based learning using natural resources, Wincle Pre-School is a fun, nurturing environment in which little minds are allowed to develop at their own pace into big personalities! The community-run setting benefits from close ties with the main school: the children have school dinners and share lunchtime with the primary children; attend school events and have wonderful friendships with their older peers.
Download our prospectus here.
To read our recent Ofsted inspection report, please click here.
As well as having lots of fun and making special memories, we aim to help prepare your child for school in the best way we can and we do this through the Pre-School Preparing for School Pledge. We pledge to provide:
1) A small setting which is able to provide a nurturing and engaging environment for each individual to flourish.
2) Access to all wraparound care. Our breakfast club runs from 7.30am each day and All Stars is available till 6pm Monday through to Friday. Families can use some of their 15/30 hours funding to pay for this.
3) An experienced member of school staff will work across the EYFS linking the pre-school to reception ensuring effective transition and sharing good practice.
4) For the pre-school children, there will be daily phonics sessions in line with the school’s phonics teaching policy. Children will be supported and taught at their own individual level and any intervention/support can be given at this early age.
5) Weekly sessions for the pre-schoolers to work with the reception pupils in the reception classroom and outdoor area so that the school environment is familiar to the children in pre-school and so that excellent resources can be shared.
6) 'Magic maths' sessions will be held in the Pre-School each day, which will help to support the children's development of early number skills.
7) Daily reading time with pre-schoolers having books to take home and share/read with their families.
8) Family Read sessions once a week, which will allow parents to come into the pre-school and work with their child on reading.
9) Half-termly Story Café events.
10) Weekly Forest School sessions linked with the school’s trained Forest School leader.
11) One formal PE lesson with reception once a week to support the children's physical development, but also their social interaction.
12) An opportunity to eat lunch in the hall with the infant pupils to become familiar with this very important part of the school day and time to play outside with the children after eating.
13) A weekly visit to church with the rest of the school to share in Celebration Worship
14) An opportunity to take part in school events such as the nativity, church services and trips.
To find out more about Wincle Pre-School, or to arrange a place for your child, contact:
Forest school
Dear parent and carers,
As you may already know we hold a Forest School session on Thursday mornings (weather permitting) led by Mrs Nesom and the Preschool team.
If you child attends on a Thursday, you will already be aware that your child has a lot of fun engaging with our outdoor environment. This includes lots of space to run, the opportunity to roll down the slope and to explore our natural environment. We have recently introduced a mud kitchen with is proving very popular and hope to develop this more in the coming months.
There is always a focus craft/activity such as making bird feeders, identifying the signs of our seasons, or making and then using our own paint brushes….
We stop for a snack and have even toasted marshmallows!
If you are interested in joining us for our Forest School session, please have a word with the school office or one of the Preschool team. You will have to stay with your child if it is not their normal session, but everyone is welcome.
Wellies and an all-in-one waterproof are essential for the winter months (sun hat in the summer) and a filled water bottle.
The session runs from 9.30 to 11.00.
Autumn 2024 Curriculum Newsletter
Preschool's Meet the Teacher Presentation can be accessed here