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'Shine Like A Star' Philippians 2:15

Starting School at Wincle

If your child is due to start Wincle CE Primary School in the near future, we would all like to warmly welcome you into our school community.
Starting school can be very daunting for a young child, and so we have put together some useful resources which will hopefully help ease any worries you may have. 
Starting in Reception:

In the early years, children go through many transitions. Some of these are with their parents/carers such as attending parent and child groups while others involve the child developing their self identity in situations without their parent or carer. Not only does this mean being in a new setting but also contains  following a routine, however flexible, which includes moving between activities, changing rooms and being with varying groups of adults and children. 

Perhaps the most significant transition is when children enter reception and embark on their formal education experience.

To provide parents with some helpful information and advice, our headteacher Mrs Smith has written an article for parents of reception pupils which can be found here.

Often, one of the biggest worries about starting school is knowing the layout of the school environment. To help, some of our pupils have created a power point for you to share with your child.
In 2024, our reception teachers will be Miss Kershaw and Mrs Gilman.
Useful resources for pupils in Mars class:
Days of the week song
Let's write numbers
Months of the year song
Number formation rhymes
A welcome from Mrs Gilman:
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