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'Shine Like A Star' Philippians 2:15


A huge thank you to the school community for raising £250 for Macmillan Cancer Research on Wednesday with our coffee afternoon!


Huge Success!!!
Our Y5/6 football team were in action this week and were hugely successful, topping their group and going through to the semi-finals. They lost 2-1 but played brilliantly. What a team!!
Thank you coach Stephen for all of the training and hard work!


Year Six Leadership Team

After careful consideration, our wonderful year six pupils have now been allocated their roles

and responsibilities for this academic year. 

Team Captains.
The role of the team captain is to lead, support, inspire and represent the members of their appointed team fairly and consistently at all times. The team captain will act as a role model for the team.

Congratulations to........ND, EB, AG and HW. Our new team captains will receive their captain fleeces in worship on Friday 27th September.

Role: Providing excellent leadership and being a role model to all pupils and members of the wider community. Supervising pupils during key times in school to maintain the highest standards of discipline and behaviour.

Congratulations to BP, DL and CT. Our new prefects will receive their prefect badges and leadership lanyards in worship also.

Head/Deputy Head Girl/Boy.
The Head/Deputy Head Girl/Boy encourages, supports and guides pupils. They bring ideas to improve the school and support the Headteacher in driving school improvement. They inspire others with the effort that they put into every lesson.

Congratulations to EH, GD, CE and FH. Our new head girl, head boy, deputy head girl and deputy head boy will receive their badges and introduce themselves to the school in worship. 

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Shining Like A Star

This week in school, the children will be recapping on our school vision and core values: learning what we can do to 'shine like stars'. To support this, the teachers will now be picking a 'star of the day' linked to each of our core values.

Monday - a pupil who displays hope for the week to come.

Tuesday - a pupil who shows respect to everything.

Wednesday - someone who acts with integrity at all times.

Thursday - those pupils who look out for and supports others.

Friday - a pupil, who despite being tired at the end of the week, shows perseverance.

To learn more about our school vision and values, parents are warmly invited to attend a workshop on Thursday 24th October for the morning. Pupils will be organised into their Saints Teams and move around the school. 

Parents to lunch

We are very excited to announce that we are continuing with our Parents to Lunch, but this year, we are running it for the Saints Teams. Please see the dates below which are on our school calendar. We can't wait to welcome you.

St George - 7th November

St Patrick - 22nd November

St Andrew - 23rd January

St David - 21st March

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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. Everyone who

comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding

children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners at Wincle School make sure

their approach is child-centred. This means that we consider, at all times, what is in the best

interests of the child.


No single practitioner can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances. If children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. Through our day-to-day contact with pupils and direct work with families, staff take notice of indicators of possible abuse or neglect and consult with Children’s Services in Cheshire East (or in neighbouring authorities dependent upon the child’s area of residence). We recognise that we form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. This responsibility also means that we are aware of the behaviour of staff in the school; we maintain an attitude of 'it could happen here' where safeguarding is concerned.

Each year, all staff are involved in reviewing the Safeguarding policy. They attend an annual update and sign to confirm that they have read and understood the policy. This is a useful document for parents as it outlines our statutory duty in safeguarding children and provides reasons for our actions. Please take a look at the policy on our 'Safeguarding' page. 

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Feedback from parental questionnaires

We would like to thank parents for returning their end of year questionnaires and for the positive comments about the school. It is so important that parents’ views are considered when moving the school forward.

The results were overwhelmingly positive and parents identified many things that the school did well at last year. Some of these include going above and beyond to make school so special, the wide variety of trips and local walks, our excellent academic results, the enriching extra-curricular activities, booster support for year six, the new setup for parents’ evening, letting the children cook, adapting teaching to each child’s needs, our high standards, communication, wraparound care, celebration worship, opportunities for instrumental lessons and many, many more. To quote one parent, the school is ‘Outstanding in every way!’

Of course, no school is perfect and there were many fantastic suggestions on how to further enhance our provision to ensure it is the best we can possibly be. We have already begun to take action!


*Many channels of communication with parents: a single, digital app might be helpful:

we now have our Google Calendar on the website. Our website, the school text and email

systems will be the only methods of communication moving forwards. Our Facebook Page

will continue to showcase the work we do.

*website: how could we make it more engaging and ensure it is used more – in progress!

*an online calendar – completed!

*chronological newsletter as easier to follow – replaced by the calendar.

*consider a buddy system for new starters who struggle to settle in other year groups – great idea and this will be done for any new starters arriving mid-year.

*more team building activities with friendships – teachers are busily planning away!

*more structured homework at my child’s level – this will be addressed at our Meet the Teacher evenings.

*a secondary school – we would love to!

*practices/training ahead of sports matches against other schools – this will be considered depending upon resources available.

*help working parents with transport for visits/matches etc - this will be considered depending upon resources available.

*could you make it clearer when generic emails go out who it is for? – we now have colour coded the information on the Google Calendar to make it clear whether it is for whole school or individual classes.

*will information about the children be password protected on the website? – our Google calendar is password protected

*clarity on homework objectives - this will be addressed at our Meet the Teacher evenings.

*more information about EYFS so it is easier to understand the preschool reports – we will provide this at the next parents evening.

*a fairer system to ensure all children receive awards and certificates - this will be addressed at our Meet the Teacher evenings.

*more frequent updates on our child’s attainment and progress - this will be addressed at our Meet the Teacher evenings.

*more information about what my child is learning – please see you child’s class curriculum newsletter which is sent out at the beginning of each term.

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