
Modern Foreign Languages
Statement of Intent
At Wincle CE Primary School, we aim for all pupils to have a respect and understanding of other cultures. Crucial to this is an awareness of global communication similarities and differences. We therefore provide a detailed MFL curriculum which motivates our pupils to engage with different cultures by inspiring pride in using their developing linguistic skills. Further to this, we acknowledge that regular use and engagement with a second language enhances cognitive function and literacy skills and we seek to promote these benefits through regular, year-long MFL programmes of study.
Key features of our MFL curriculum:
All pupils, regardless of ability, are entitled to an understanding of the world and their place within it. They also have the right to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas in a variety of ways. As such, language tuition is inclusive, with all pupils, from year 3 onwards, learning a second language.
The primary language we teach throughout KS2 is French. The language is chosen for multiple reasons, including staff expertise, similarities with English, proximity of cross-cultural opportunities and the choice of languages taught by our feeder secondary schools.
We recognise that language-learning is a socio-cultural experience and that second languages are most effectively taught when the principles of early language acquisition are applied. For this reason, we emphasise speaking and listening in all language lessons, ensuring that our pupils have plentiful opportunities to hear modeled language, imitate it and reformulate their speech to improve accuracy.
Second language acquisition is most effective when pupils are given opportunities to identify similarities and differences between their first and second languages. A key component of our language curriculum is consistent reinforcement of pupils’ analytical skills. Learners are guided to recognise words and patterns that sound similar between French and English and, crucially, are provided with the etymology and cultural history to understand them. This ultimately contributes to greater depth of learning.
It is not enough to be able to recite rehearsed phrases without an understanding of the people and culture to which they apply. Throughout Key Stage Two, pupils are able to explore French culture, comparing it with their own, and others they have learnt about in Humanities, in order to widen their horizons and build a deeper understanding of how language and culture interact.
Language learning should be enjoyable and, though it should offer appropriate levels of challenge, it should never be daunting. Our MFL programme is therefore designed to be fun, interactive and engaging, with a view to inspiring a love of language and culture in all pupils.
All Key Stage Two pupils receive weekly MFL lessons, with a view to enhancing the cognitive and literacy benefits of regularly using a second language.
Our MFL curriculum supports children to develop skills in the following key areas:
Conversational Skills
By the end of Key Stage Two, all pupils should be able to confidently converse in French, talking about a variety of topics and showing skill in responding to others and asking for clarification. Speaking and listening play an equal role in influencing conversational skill and pupils are given weekly opportunities to develop both in order to gain confidence in their communication.
Reading plays an important part of language learning, both because it provides pupils with a visual representation of what they are learning to say and because it allows them to feel confident in navigating different cultural contexts. In lower Key Stage Two, reading is not the focus of language lessons, but is subtly integrated into sessions, where pupils are provided with opportunities to recognise key phrases and vocabulary. By the end of Key Stage Two, pupils should be able to read short passages, showing skill in pronouncing vocabulary and comprehending texts.
As with first-language acquisition, pupils are not expected to write in French until they are competent in speaking, listening and reading. As such, writing plays a more prominent feature in our upper Key Stage Two curriculum, where pupils are first taught to write functionally, providing short answers, written in French, to simple questions. By the end of primary education, pupils should be able to write imaginative paragraphs using controlled, accurate French.
Cultural Awareness
Learners require a degree of cultural capital in order to understand a language, how it is formed and the context to which it applies. Pupils should, therefore, explore French culture throughout their time in Key Stage Two, learning about where the language is spoken, identifying cultural customs and recognizing that the language reflects some of the differences between French and British lifestyles.
Click to download our curriculum map: