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Ethos Committee

At Wincle, Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. Faith is something to be shared and our Ethos Committee work with Mrs Smith and Vicar Liz to decide what faith means to us, as a school, and how we should celebrate it. They lead assemblies to help us learn stories from the Bible and lead community initiatives like our advent collection for a local foodbank. 

Meet the Chair and Vice Chair of the Ethos Committee.








With the help of the rest of the committee, the Ethos group plan to organise activities that promote our school vision and values. In their first meeting of the new academic year, they shared their hopes for the future and eagerly all volunteered to take a lead role. They explained to Vicar Liz how the committee is organised and are keen to begin planning worships for the rest of the school. 

2025 - a new year with more decisions to make!

The Ethos Committee met on the 29th January and the following points were discussed:
*The PTA have kindly paid for new seating in our prayer garden and we have ordered more interactive acvtivities to encourage others to use the reflection area and pray. The Ethos Committee are going to ask Vicar Liz to open it once completed.

*Instead of pupils nominating each other to be a star, they would like people to write on the worship back pack prayer notes and write a short prayer about the person they are nominating. 

*To encourage the use of our prayer back packs, the committee have planned to ask parents to create a prayer on Friday using the prayerpebbles.

*The committee would like bubbles to be blown after a prayer to spread the prayer around.

*The committee are going to carry the back packs around at play time and encourage pupils to use them.







The Ethos Committee leads our Christmas Celebrations

To support our learning about Advent and the Christmas Story, the Ethos Committee have created an online Advent Calendar: a post each day throughout Advent providing us all with some pause for thought. The full Advent Calendar can be found on our school Facebook page.









The Ethos Committee run a stall at our Christmas Fayre

The children decided it would be lovely to run a stall at our Christmas Fayre. They wanted people to have an opportunity to say a prayer to thank God for everything wonderful in their lives and to pray for others. The children organised a sweet prayer station and also baked cross cookies for children to decorate. Fantastic leadership on display!

















Previous Ethos Committee events:

Christmas 2022

Toy Donation Stall

The Ethos Committee have decided to help our school families by running a well-loved toy donation stall: they would like families to donate second-hand toys they no long want/need on Friday 9th December and then they will run a stall on Monday 12th December at 3pm for parents/children to come and help themselves to a gift for free that they can give to another.

It is so nice to see our pupils thinking of others at this special time.

January 2023

In our committee meeting, we have written a special prayer for Celebration Worship:

Celebration Worship Prayer

Father God,

Thank you for our school: the children, the staff, Winc and the parents.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to shine like a star.

Thank you for our friends who make us smile and support us.

We are sorry that there are people who are not as fortunate as us.

We are sorry for the mistakes that we have made.

Please help us learn from our mistakes and please help those around the world who are not as fortunate as us.































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