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'Shine Like A Star' Philippians 2:15
School Uniform
Parents are asked to ensure that their child maintains a smart standard of dress. All jumpers and sweatshirts with the school logo are available to order from the school office:
Grey trousers or shorts (no ‘combat’ pockets please),
White collared shirt/Wincle School polo shirt,
School tie
Wincle School sweatshirt or v-necked jumper,
Black shoes (not trainers please)
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers,
White collared shirt/Wincle School polo shirt,
School tie
Wincle School sweatshirt or v-necked jumper,
Black shoes (not trainers please).
An optional blue gingham dress may be worn in hotter weather.
All children
No jewellery apart from a watch or stud earrings if they have pierced ears
No nail varnish or visible tattoos
Long hair needs to be tied back
Hair should not be shaved, dyed or streaked
P.E. Kit
All children are expected to take part in PE lessons, unless excused on medical grounds, and should come to school dressed appropriately. PE Kit should be worn to school on PE days.
All children need:-
Navy plain shorts/leggings
White polo-shirt (no logos please)
Black Pumps/trainers
Trainers for outdoors
Navy tracksuit bottoms may be worn when it is cold, with school jumpers/cardigans.

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