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Christian Character


Wincle School is a Church of England primary school, working under the Chester Diocese. Our school is situated next door to Wincle Church, giving all of our pupils an opportunity to be part of their local, Christian community.


Our school's vision is:

Wincle School creates an enriching and outstanding rural education, nurturing the whole individual: body, mind and soul, inspiring rounded, happy, courageous children who shine in all that they say and do, exhibiting a passion for learning, a confident faith, a loving concern for community and an inclusive respect for all.

Our main aim is for our pupils to 'Shine like Stars' which is taken from Philippians, 2:15.

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. —Philippians 2:14-16

To break this down to aid understanding for all our pupils, we have created an acronym:



As a Church of England School, we are aware that some of our families may not be practising Christians. Our aim is to nurture those who have a Christian faith, encourage those who have a faith and challenge those who don’t have a faith. We want all pupils to feel included, safe, secure and valued.

To link with our vision, we have identified five Christian values which underpin our whole ethos and curriculum. These are:






For more information on our chosen values, please see our 'Vision' webpage.


All pupils attend church every Friday morning for our celebration worship, where parents are invited to join us in celebrating our pupils' many achievements. 

We hold special services at Christmas, Easter and for other Christian festivals. We also benefit from regular assemblies led by the local clergy. 

Our family services are well-attended, with children from the school leading Sunday services with the local community. 





Compassion UK

Compassion UK are a charity who work all over the world to help release children from poverty.

At Wincle, we want to be a school who: 

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
   for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
   defend the rights of the poor and needy.(Proverbs 31 8-9)

Our Sponsored Child - Phiona

We are so incredibly thrilled to be able to sponsor Phiona – a 10 year old girl

from Rwanda. What a privilege to be able to change a child’s life! It costs £28

a month to sponsor Phiona. This pays for food, healthcare, basic needs and

access to the Compassion Project for education, love and care. The school's

Ethos Committee regularly communicate with Phiona and feedback to the rest

of school. They organise fundraising initiatives throughout the year to help pay

for the sponsorship.




















British Values

                                                 In accordance with the Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British
                                                 values in our school to ensure that pupils leave school prepared for life in modern



Our school vision incorporates the theme of ‘no outsiders’ – there

are no outsiders to God’s love, we are all welcomed just as we are.

We celebrate difference, uniqueness and the value and worth of

each child. British values are addressed and taught through our

collective worship and are woven throughout our school life at

Wincle, along with our Christian values.

Read our Outstanding SIAMS inspection here.
Click to learn more about each of the Christian Values we teach:

Prayer Request:

As a Christian school, we believe that God hears our prayers and has the power to answer them. If you have any specific prayer requests, we would love to pray for you. Please fill in the form.

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