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'Shine Like A Star' Philippians 2:15


At Wincle CE Primary School, we believe good attendance is vital for a child to achieve their full potential. We aim to promote good attendance by providing a safe and motivating environment for all children.  As a team, we will together break down any barriers a child or family may have to accessing their education.

Every child matters, every day matters.

In August 2024, the statutory legislation changed and the key points are outlined below.

Attendance Procedures:


If your child arrives to school after registration closes (9.10am), your child will receive an unauthorised late mark- this effects your child’s attendance.

If your child is going to be absent from school- please contact the school office before 9.00 am to provide a reason for absence. You can either call 01260212592 or email

Medical evidence
You will be required to provide medical evidence for your child's absences. This way, we can make sure absences are authorised.

Persistently Absent / risk of Persistent Absence

We want to avoid children becoming ‘persistently absent’ (below 90%). Interventions will be put in place when your child's attendance becomes ‘at risk’ of becoming PA. This may include supportive parent meetings. Being persistently absent may make you liable for fines or school attendance referrals.

Fines / holidays
Holidays are in no circumstances authorised by school.  Unauthorised absence due to holidays will result in a fine being issued from Cheshire East Council.

Every minute counts

‘90% attendance’ or ‘only 5 minutes late’ may sound like small issues, but the amount of learning missed is huge! Make each day count.




Frequently Asked Question’s

What is PA? PA stands for ‘Persistently absent’. This is when your child’s attendance is below 90%

What is risk of PA? Risk of PA is when your child’s attendance is at risk of dropping below 90%- we aim to offer early intervention support at this stage.

What is an EPN? EPN stands for ‘Education penalty notices’. EPN’s are issued for unauthorised absences, this includes term time holidays.

I’ll just go on holiday and pay the fine? EPN’s have now been capped nationally at TWO fines within any 3 year period. After this, other action like a parenting order or prosecution has to be considered- this could mean a fine of up to £2500!

What is an unauthorised absence? A child being kept off school unnecessarily or without good reason. Term time holidays is not a justified reason to take your child out of school.

What happens if I keep my child off, and don’t contact school? School will call home to try and obtain a reason for absence- if no reason is provided school may carry out a visit to your home- this is to check on the welfare of you and your child.

For a more detailed overview of Education Penalty Notices, click here for the local authority's one minute guide. 

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